Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Let it all go.

I guess you can say, from here on out I'm looking forward to the future and leaving everything that has happened to me in the last 6 months behind for good. I think it's time... and although I'm still fighting the good fight, I will continue to do so, even if it kills me. I wish I could say that I'm able to let go of the memories and COMPLETELY pretend like nothing ever existed, but quite frankly that would be silly. I still think of you... sometimes it still hurts... I will get through this. I'm holding my head forever high and will accomplish everything that I've wanted to do for the past few years. I will succeed.

This accident bull shit is finally subsiding. My lost wages claim representative finally called me today. I've been leaving him nasty messages since the first letter I got in the mail from him, which was in April. My money is on the fact that I called my insurance agent and told him what was going on and he took matters into his own hand, because my mom and I threatened to leave Allstate, considering this accident happened on March 1st. He told me to disregard any notices I've been getting from him and that all he needed was to verify the dates I was out of work because apparently, my higher boss at my old job filled out the paperwork and put that I RESIGNED WILLINGLY on April 23rd. I'm like NO NO NO. I resigned because I had no other choice. I went back to work on April 23rd to find out that my position had been filled and that should I have decided to stay with the company, I'd be getting about 10 hours a week instead of my usual 40 hours a week. The representative then asked me if I found a new job and then told me that he'd be sending me a check that covers my lost wages from March 3rd - June 3rd. Originally, I was getting a check that covered March 3 - April 23, which came out to about $1,900. Now, I'm getting about $4,000-$4,200. :) So, all the nasty messages and complaints payed off.

I got the settlement for the damages to my car and bodily injury from the other guys insurance company two weeks ago. I wouldn't have gotten a dime if I didn't threaten to sue his insurance company. They sent me a check a week later and with that, I immediately went to a dealership and bought a car. :) I bring it home tomorrow. Yippie!

So now I have a car, and enough money to do my two weeks of Warped and still have money to spare. :)

This is the start of my future.

Next up: Enrolling into school. :)